Akademy-BR 2010 – Day 2
Hi again, still blogging about Akademy-BR stuff. As we should expect from a first edition of Akademy-BR interests have been spread out over a range which includes newbies getting used to KDE development, promo team further understanding KDE community and its demands, artwork guys trying their first deliverables, and some veterans improving applications.
The Metasys guys and Mauricio Piacentini started to implement the first steps for KEduca. In the end of their work it is expected to have a software capable of handle tests creation, edition and correction, QTI format support and use of remote tests databases. I was introducing the Oxygen guidelines and artwork stuff in techbase to Anderson Viana and still working in KDE Observatory improvements. An initial version of its data engine is already providing the basic functionalities and that will certainly make it much faster and more reliable.
The guys in KDE-Games sprint have been working in two new card games: Crokinole and Bohnanza. You should wait a detailed post from Tomaz explaining the game rationale and current status but I can anticipate you that Bohnanza player and board implementation is somehow finished (thanks to Vitor e Taiane) and Chicão and Camila have been working in the card deck implementation. Whilst we all know that improving or bugfixing already existing KDE-Games applications would be quite useful for us, Akademy-BR was planned as a mean to overcome the initial barriers new Brazilian contributors has been facing when trying to contribute to KDE. So, getting used to a specific codebase, even for smaller and easier projects, could scare some fresh blood at first.
Wagner Reck has done a great work improving Rocs functionalities and making things stable for KDE 4.5. Apart from his GSoC proposal submission devoted to provide multiple graph formats support in Rocs, he managed to fix some bugs in plugin menu creation and to make the execution of plugins in a secondary thread stable for the next Rocs release.
Filipe Saraiva and Aracele have improved Kmplot by allowing the user to define new labels for axis used in charts and Luiz Romário has implemented the demo mode in Kiriki game, besides his GSoC proposal to add OpenGL support in KStars. Amanda and the other promo guys has been formatting the promo plan for 2010 and refining the planned actions in FISL 2010 and Latinoware 2010. Being involved in organizational stuff and supporting new developers, promoters, and artists haven't left me with much free time as I would really like to hack in Plasmate and Gluon but for sure we are seeding the KDE spirit in some quite interested fresh blood so that we should expect some new Brazilian contributors from now on.
As I promised you previously, the pics :)

KDHelio working :)

Guys from KDE-Games Sprint

Alex Raymond and Celso trying some physics for games

Vitor and Taiane working in Bohnanza and Aracele and Filipe hacking Kmplot
See you in next and last one post about Akademy-BR 2010 ! Há ... :)