KDE SC 4.4 Release Party - Salvador ...

... is ready to go !

Everything done for the KDE SC 4.4 Release Party in Salvador (Brazil), which happens on February 6th at Faculdade Area 1. We'll begin at 2 p.m. with a set of four talks: Introduction to Free Software and GNU/Linux, KDE for Beginners, Ekaaty (Brazilian KDE-based distro), and KDE in Brazil. We've drawn special attention to those people who haven't ever used KDE before and the first two talks are devoted to show off free software and KDE facilities for everyday activities performed by non-technical end-users. A lot of party promotion has been done out of our conventional computer people territory and we expect a quite fruitful time. Of course, at 6 p.m. we all go out for snacks, beers, dancing, and whatever personal motif to celebrate KDE SC 4.4 release :)


Ok, if you're about to bother me :) because of our anticipated celebration the answer is: we had no choice. February is a quite complicated month for events, our city becomes a great stage for popular festivals including Yemanja Festival and Carnival, one of the biggest traditional parties in Brazil. So, it's better make things happen before people begin madly running for the electric trio :)

By the way, a nice picture from Yemanja Festival which happened last February 2nd:

