Sandro S. Andrade is a Professor and Researcher in the Computer Science Department at Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Bahia (IFBa). He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Federal University of Bahia (UFBa) and is active member of LaSiD (UFBa) and GSORT (IFBa) research groups. He is also an active contributor in Qt and KDE free software projects since 2006 and is a former member of the KDE e.V. Board of Directors. Sandro is a Certified Qt Specialist (Essential Qt & Core C++ for Qt Developers). Over the past 20 years, he has been involved in consulting, training and research in object-oriented design, software architecture design & analysis, cross-platform development, and large-scale self-managed distributed systems, mostly focused on CORBA3/CCM, Qt and KDE technologies. His main research interests include: software architecture, self-adaptive systems, autonomic computing, evidence-based software engineering, search-based software engineering, and design science research.
Specialties: Development with Qt, KDE Frameworks, C++, QML, JavaScript, Linux, Object-Oriented Design, Architecture Design, Distributed Systems Development, CORBA3/CCM, ACE, The ACE ORB (TAO), Large-scale Networked and Concurrent Systems, Component-Integrated ACE ORB (CIAO), UML2, Model-Based Software Engineering, Self-Adaptive Systems, Autonomic Systems, Quality Management, Community Management.
Contact and Social Web
Feel free to contact me through one or some of those services:
- E-mail: contact@sandroandrade.org
- Twitter: @andradesandro
- Facebook: sandrosantosandrade
- Google Plus: +SandroAndrade
- LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/sandroandrade