Akademy-BR 2010 - Day 0
Hi there !
Yes, even under a heavy storm occuring the entire day, with some delayed/modified flights, locked streets, and hard car driving to Akademy-BR venue, the first participants began to arrive yesterday early afternoon. As a panorama of participants skills we can briefly enumerate 19 developers, 3 artwork guys, 6 promotion people, and 2 translators. An advance program and breakout groups (in portuguese, sorry) can be found in Akademy-BR 2010 page. We have scheduled hacking sessions for Rocs (KDE-Edu), Plasmate, KDE Observatory, KGraphViewer, Amarok, and DImpress 3D, as well as a KDE-Games sprint lasting three mornings and a promo meeting aiming the definition of a KDE Brazil Promotion Plan 2010. As for the artwork activities, there are efforts for localized wallpapers, and Rocs and Plasmate icons.
Good hacking for all of us :)
See you in next Akademy-BR post,