KDE at Latinoware 2011
Hi there,
It's been a while since my last post. Just finishing some boring academic duties, I hope to be returning soon to KDE hacking again. In the meanwhile, we managed to prepare some cool stuff for KDE participation at Latinoware 2011 (Latin-American Conference on Free Software). KDE have been attending Latinoware in a more structured way since 2008. It's the second biggest conference on Free Software in Brazil (roughly 4000 participants) and we are usually granted with enough room for talks and a cool roomy area for KDE booth arrangements.
This year we were close to my dreams' KDE booth :). A nice KDE banner + amazing KDE 15 years t-shirts + a lot of KDE swags + big TV set to show off great KDE videos.

Our banner (thanks Wade)Latinoware 2011 has deployed an interesting technology to spread out promotional material from all booths whilst yet reducing paper consumption during the meeting. All attenders received a small device configured with their personal email addresses which could then be used to request information by putting it closer to sensors installed at booths. The desired promo stuff are then sent to the participant's email (we were previously asked to provide all digitized material to Latinoware organizing staff).

KDE stuff
Booth HeadingAs usual, a Call for Presentations was issued at KDE Latin-America mailing list asking for talks and short-courses proposals from KDE communities in Argentina, Chile, Peru, and others. This year, we have Juan Muguerza from KDE Argentina presenting a talk about OwnCloud. As for the KDE program at Latinoware 2011 we had yesterday a short-course about "Developing Mobile Applications with Qt" which grabbed roughly 25 participants willing to deploy Qt applications in their beloved devices. Filipe Saraiva presented a talk about KDE-Edu and tomorrow we are going to have talks about KDE 15 years, KDE Frameworks, OwnCloud and Plasma Active.

Our fellow Juan from KDE-Argentina
The Open Source Rock Festival at Latinoware Opening

So, that's all so far. See you ...