One week to go until LAkademy 2012
Hi there,
Two years ago the 1st Akademy-BR took place at Praia do Forte (BA), bringing together roughly 30 KDE Brazilian contributors, from coders to promo and translation. In that time, new regional KDE groups in Minas Gerais, Piauí and Rio Grande do Sul had just been formed and fellows like Lamarque, Filipe, and Aracele are still rocking on KDE. Akademy-BR was a nice opportunity to meet those guys in person and try to balance our efforts in pushing KDE and Brazilian community forward. From that time till now things got somehow stabilized (actually put myself as an outlier for that statistics - PhD last year sucks :)).
An early attempt to have the 2nd Akademy-BR last year in Minas Gerais couldn't be successfully acomplished but, as a positive side-effect, that fortunately culminated in the 1st LAkademy: Latin-American KDE Summit. From 27th April to 1st May, we shall meet at Porto Alegre to evaluate our current scenario, plan our actions in 2012-2013 (in particular, I advocate we need a second LA boost like the one we had in Brazil in 2009) and, of course, hacking. KDE contributors from Argentina, Peru, and Brazil are confirmed. Many thanks to CamilaRaw and Henrique for taking care of local arrangements and KDE e.V. and Claudia in particular to support LAkademy.
Stay tuned, see you ...